About Us
In 2014, a team of faculty, parents, and community members established the HMS Foundation in a strategic effort to ensure and enrich Henderson Middle’s academic and cultural offerings.
The initial goal was to gather and leverage resources to allow Henderson to start the process to gain STEM accreditation -- a nationally recognized accreditation that strengthens our science, technology, engineering, and mathematics instruction. Since STEM accreditation is underway, the foundation's goal has expanded to providing financial support to the school in general.
By establishing a foundation, Henderson has the ability to support meaningful teacher training and cutting-edge educational resources for our students.
Donations made today will go to programs that directly impact Henderson Middle students and will help ensure the HMS Foundation continues on solid ground.
Why a Foundation
HMS already has a strong PTSA. But a foundation can support the school in ways that the PTSA cannot. We can:
Raise and spend funds across years
Directly fund additional faculty/staff
Attract corporate expertise and investment

Meeting Schedule
HMS Foundation Board meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm at Henderson Middle School, inside the media center. We also run a virtual call in case you can't make it in person! Email us for a link!
Do you have questions? Interested in volunteering on our Board of Directors or helping in other ways? Contact us at: info@hmsfoundation.org