
How the Foundation supports the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math programs at HMS

What is S.T.E.M.?

S.T.E.M. is short for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but it’s much more than all of that.  S.T.E.M. learning involves problem-based units of study that incorporate critical thinking and scientific processes.

Why support S.T.E.M.?

The Foundation recognizes that the demand for workers with S.T.E.M. skills is increasing at every level; by instituting S.T.E.M. practices at Henderson Middle School we hope to better prepare your child for the future workforce.

HMS and S.T.E.M.

HMS started with selected S.T.E.M. teams. It now has a certified S.T.E.M. program. S.T.E.M. is being taken school-wide, all teachers are becoming trained, and we are working toward full S.T.E.M. certification for the entire school.